Thursday, November 28, 2019
SOC 320 Reflective Essay (1) Essays - , Term Papers
SOC 320: Social Work Practice II Assignment - Community Project Reflective Essay DUE May 1, 2018 by 12:00 pm Michelle Glaser 4-14-18 This is a reflective paper worth 100 points total. In this essay, I want you to reflect on your experience with the community project with Aspire writing subjectively (from your point of view) including the following: Make connections between themselves, class lectures and the activities participated in with Aspire. Think about what you have learned and how you will use the newly acquired information. Explore how you have changed from this project, developed or grown from the experience. My experience with Aspire has been one of surprises, expectations, scared of residents, and realizations. I have found that I was very surprised about what Aspire does and what I expected. I did not realize that Aspire had so many different house, with diverse types of residents. The demographics of the clientele has shackled me/ I was able to ask a lot of questions about what the staff at Aspire residential center was. I had no idea that the residents at the Aspire center did such beautiful artwork and crafts. The talent amazed me. Some of the residents were very open and almost childlike. I could not help finding an attachment to them. The aspire houses were what I expected. I was not happy to see that. I saw clients at some houses that were left alone for the entire time were we at the home. I also saw people just sitting in chairs or made to take part when it was obvious that they were uncomfortable when it was obvious that the residents were not happy with the added people in th eir home. A few of the houses the staff seemed invested in the clients. There were other homes where we just sat with the residents because no one was around to supervise any interactions with the cliental. I would not be a very happy person if I saw my granddaughter in a situation like that. The new policy that says the State will now tell the homes what to make and what an adequate part is. This to me is wrong. The residents up too now had a choice in their food selections. Now they are told what to make and what to eat. These individuals are paying to live in these homes. Some had no family, some had families that wanted nothing to do with them and some had what I call the "Pity visit" They come to see their loved one when they feel they absolutely must. Like an obligation, like going to the dentist. I would love to see a big brother/sister type program for the disabled or impaired. To have to pay to be in a place like this and be told what you will do. How you will do it, and wh en you will do it. This is not right, as least in my opinion. I get that this is the way that things must be to be able to keep the doors open at these centers. I just think that there needs to be some major policy changes. This type of organizations is defiantly needed, but I feel we are taking advantage of these people and treating them as 2nd class citizens. I could use a lot of the terms and words we learned in the class and I know I am supposed to, but my reflections of this experience I would like to be honest about what I am feeling and I would not use the terms we learned to describe what we saw in the homes. What I have learned is that the residents at the Aspire center are truly wonderful creative people. The crafts that they do are so creative and beautiful. The staff is just wonderful with the clients. We all have a picture in our heads of what these places look like and what happens in them. What I found at the center was a wonderful, warm. Inviting, and creative environment. The residents loved the company and different faces. They were all so helpful and informative. The one thing I was not aware of is how much Aspire
Sunday, November 24, 2019
EOC Study Guide Essay
EOC Study Guide Essay EOC Study Guide Essay Jocelyn Hochsztein 4/28/14 P.2 E.O.C Exam Study Guide 1. A chromosomal disorder is a chromosome anomaly, abnormality, or aberration is a missing, extra, or irregular portion of chromosomal DNA. 2. Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosome pairs or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. An example is Pallister-Killian syndrome. 3. A human cell contains twenty-three pairs of autosomal chromosomes. 4. A human cell contains two sex chromosomes. 5. The components of a DNA molecule consist of two separate strands of DNA running in opposite directions. The three major components in each strand are Deoxyribose, a sugar (notably lacking an oxygen compared to Ribose, which is found in RNA), a phosphate group, and a nucleotide. In the case of DNA, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, or Thymine. 6. DNA replication is the process of producing two identical replicas from one original DNA molecule. This biological process occurs in all living organisms and is the basis for biological inheritance. 7. Chargaff's rules state that DNA from any cell of all organisms should have a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule) of pyrimidine and purine bases and, more specifically, that the amount of guanine is equal to cytosine and the amount of adenine is equal to thymine. 8. The components of an RNA molecule are a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and ribose sugar. 9. The different RNA molecules are iRNA (interference RNA), RNA interference (RNAi), tmRNA, and Piwi-interacting RNAs. 10. The product of transcription is a strand of messenger RNA. 11. There are several classes of mutations. These include substitution, insertion, deletion, and frameshift. 12. Usually when codons code for the same amino acid, one of the three nucleotide sequences are slightly different. For example, let's say you have AAT and AAC. Without looking at a table of amino acids, you can probably interpret that these two codons code for the same amno acid. But if you have two codons like GGC and AGT, these two are completely unrelated and will not code for the same amino acid. 13. DNA carries the genetic information of a cell and consists of thousands of genes. Each gene serves as a recipe on how to build a protein molecule. Proteins perform important tasks for the cell functions or serve as building blocks. The flow of information from the genes determines the protein composition and thereby the functions of the cell. 14. Selective breeding is simply the process of a breeder developing a cultivated breed over time and then selecting which ones are suitable enough to pass on to the next generation and it has a number of benefits. Some of them are that breeders get to choose which animals fit their criteria; hence more of the right kind of animal can be produced, thus making more products. 15. Inbreeding often causes recessive mutation and diseases of the offspring. 16. The ultimate source of genetic variability is mutation. It is the only way that new alleles and genes are created. 17. The purpose of genetic engineering is to try to re-arrange the genetic structure of living things to create an outcome, either in appearance, behavior or bio-chemical, that we want or need. 18. It is important to know the DNA sequence of an organism because knowing the sequence of an organism's DNA allows researchers to study specific genes. 19. Gel electrophoresis is a process that is used in order to extract DNA. This has also been used to purify the DNA. The DNA is made to polarize in a particular direction. 20. Most transformed cells die because they are too abnormal to function or are abnormal enough for the body's immune system to destroy them. However, if the factors promoting neoplasia persist, a transformed cell may some day give rise to a clone that does continue to grow. 21. What is meant by ââ¬Å"survival of the fittestâ⬠is that individuals that are best equipped to survive and reproduce perpetuate the highest frequency of genes to descendant populations.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Differences between law and equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Differences between law and equity - Essay Example It mainly came out of feudal customs. On the other side Equity came from Roman law and Canon Law. Common law also differs with Equity in the sense that Equity comprised of the principles of rules administered by the Court of Chancery and consisted of that portion of natural justice which, although of a nature suitable for judicial enforcement, was for historical reasons not enforced by the common Law Courts. There is also another difference that the defects and rigidity of the old Common Law gave rise to Equity. Underhill has very well summarized the difference between Common Law and Equity in these words: - "Equity was originally the revolt of Commonsense against the pedantry of Law, and trammels of the feudal system, it became highly artificial refined body of legal principles and is at present day an amendment and modification of the Common Law" 2. The Plaintiff used to go to the Common Law Courts as a matter of right while the person seeking relief in the Court of Chancery humbly prayed for the benefit of the Court's grace by invoking the exercise of its prerogative. Thus, it was the discretion of the equity Court (i.e. Chancery Court) to give remedies to the petitioner or not. 3. 3. In Common law Courts the misconduct of the plaintiff did not disentitle him to claim legal relief but in the Court of Chancery misconduct of the plaintiff was taken as a sufficient ground for the refusal of equitable reliefs. 1. A. Ahmad, Equity and Trusts, p 36 2. Osborne Law dictionaries 3. Ibid. 4. The pronouncement of the Common Law Courts altered the legal title to the property as between the parties to the action but the Chancery Court bound the person only by its decree, directing him to transfer the legal title by executing a conveyance. 5. Common Law sprang from feudal customs, while equity sprang from Roman andCanon law 6. Common Law involved a complicated procedure of tendering evidence. But theCourts of Chancery had no procedural complication evidence. 7. In common law courts, judges used to preside over, while in courts of equity thepresiding officer was the Chancellor being a judge. 8. Common law was generated by the forms of action, and that forms of actioncombined substance and procedure while, a writ, obtained from chancery,structured according to a fixed form, and initiated a cause of action. 9. Common law was rigid and limited while, equity law was flexible. 10. The court of equity flourished independently of the common law courts. "Justice" could be dispensed in Chancery. The most powerful device available to the court of equity was the injunction--to forbid,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
All fascists are Nazis. Discuss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
All fascists are Nazis. Discuss - Essay Example The fascists are in favour of acquiring land and resources for a national cause. The acquisition of land and other resources such as labour, capital, etc are the rights of the fascists to establish their dominance over other parts of the world. The fascists believe that the weaker territories and nations could be rightly displaced and captured for expanding the territories of their nation. The fascists demand the supremacy of the state as the highest consideration in their rule. Various fascist leaders such as Mussolini established their supremacy by following the ideology of supremacy of the state (Goldberg 2009, p. 68). The fascist leaders claimed undisputed control by following the principles in which allegiance to the state is the bottom line. The fascist approach brings an end to the class conflicts within the nation and integrates the masses with obedience to the state power. The fascists are proponents of mixed economy in which the private business classes are also allowed to direct the economic progress. The fascists believe in a self-sufficient economy with the factors of production being sufficient to meet the demands of the economy. Such an economy is called a closed economy. The fascists tend to promote a closed economy and building an economy that offers protection to the domestic industries. The protection of domestic industries shields them from foreign competition and reduces the scope of drainage of national wealth. Due to national factors of production meeting the demands of the economy, the circular flow of money is restricted within the boundaries of the country that leads to an integral growth of the national economy. The fascist policies lie in between the approaches of socialism and capitalism. Although fascism allows private capitalists to participate in the process of economic growth, the ideology of a fascist includes belligerent forms of nationalism with not much belief in the foreign factors of production. The fascists believe in mil itarism with the style of living being maintained on the military lines and discipline (Felice andà Ledeen 1976, p. 57). In the left-right spectrum, the position of the fascist lies in the extreme right position. The fascists are opponents of the views of socialism and communism. Nazism is a form of fascism that incorporates the beliefs and ideas of biological racism and anti-Semitism. The Nazis believe in the ideas of racial superiority and consider themselves as the most superior race in the world. The ideology of anti-Semitism held by the Nazis resembles hatred and opposition towards the Jews and the Jewish religion. The Nazism developed in Germany and spread to other places where movements were held by the Nazis before the Second World War. The Nazi ideology is an integral part of the national movements that were held in Germany in the era of post-World War I. In order to fight the dominance of communism and spread the territory of the national boundaries, the Germans who are the proponents of Nazism focussed on establishing a paramilitary force under the reign of Adolf Hitler. The Nazis believed that they are, by far, the most superior race in the world and had the policies of expanding their national boundaries by the acquisition of other weaker states (Grand 2004, p. 49). The growth of industries
Monday, November 18, 2019
Attribution Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Attribution Theory - Essay Example For people to interpret the causes of particular behaviour performed by other individuals, it is necessary for them to observe the behaviour, and attribute external or internal causes to it. Any outside body or agent that triggers or causes the event is an external factor while factors that are within the control of an individual and are a part of his/her personality are the internal factors (Shackleton, 1995). An example of how attribution theory can be applied in our daily lives could be our reaction to, say, having a good social circle. An individual who is a loner and has no friends to talk to will always be found complaining about how the world is so cruel and unjust. This is attributing an external factor to the event. However, a person who is the life of a party and is acquainted with a lot of people will be found claiming that it is so because of his being so attractive and smart. As obvious, this case refers to an internal factor or the factor which is within a person. There are many factors which are related to attribution. The determination of the causes depends on three things (Kelly, 1967). Distinctiveness, the first one, tells whether the person's actions are distinct and different from other situations. The second is consensus, which tells whether other people behave in the same way to the same situation. The third factor is consistency, which finds out whether the individual behaves the same way consistently to the same situation. The theory predicts that whenever there is high distinctiveness, the causes of the behaviour are external and with low distinctiveness, the factors are internal. For consensus, it is an external factor whenever there is a high consensus and an internal factor when the consensus is low. High consistency indicates an internal factor while low consistency depicts an external factor. In fact, when we apply attribution theory, there are two types of errors which can result in distorted attributions. One is the fundamental attribution error and the other is self-serving bias. (1) Fundamental attribution error: It occurs when people overestimate the effects of internal factors while underestimating the effects of external factors when judging the behavior of others (Martinko, 1995.) It is when the actions of people are attributed to their traits and personality rather than the external influence that may have led them to such an action. (2) Self-serving bias: This error, also known as attributional bias, refers to the tendency of individuals to claim responsibility for successes while attributing failures to other causes or factors (Martinko, 1995.) It is just one way of imaging what is pleasing to us rather than the realistic situation. One factor which can be related to this bias is whether there is a reward or punishment proclaimed for certain behavior (Harvey & Smith, 1977). It is suggestd that when we suceed, we tend to overestimate the internal factors which could be our talent and effort and underestimate the external factor which could be the help of others. Yet, if we were failed, we would overestimate the external factors which could be lack of collegue's co-operation, and underestimate the internal factors such as our laziness. This indicates that people would explain the same behavior to events differently if it occurred differently (. Systematic bias: It is a form of self-serving bias and occurs when people generally tend to think that they are better at tasks that are
Friday, November 15, 2019
Difference Between Telecommunication and Mass Media
Difference Between Telecommunication and Mass Media What are the main differences between telecommunications (point-to-point) and mass media (one-to-many)? Compare the two using examples. Telecommunications and mass media are distinguished from one another by a variety of technical, infrastructural, and interactive differences. This essay will, broadly, outline and describe these differences. One of the first points to make, however, is that both forms have their own prehistories and heritage in earlier forms of communication. While ââ¬Å"telecommunicationsâ⬠(point-to-point) and ââ¬Å"mass mediaâ⬠(one-to-many) are defined conventionally and in the contemporary world by telephones and the internet (for example), they also have earlier forms and precedents. Telecommunications emerged properly from early telegraph networks, which, in anticipation of later more global systems, were constituted by a network of nodes (towers), which enabled the sending and receiving (and thus coding and decoding) of messages and information. Similarly, mass media has its own heritage in almost any form of communicated information that had a potentially anonymous and spatially distributed audience; the printing press of the 16th century enabled the steady reproduction of the printed word through block cutting and, latter, movable type. These technologies allowed for the production and dissemination of the first newspapers, broadsides and pamphlets ââ¬â documents will constitute the first ââ¬Å"massâ⬠conversations of literate society in the early modern period. Broadly speaking, telecommunications are then defined by a number of technical as well as infrastructural or procedural differences. Firstly, they allow for the narrowly focused communication between two locations or persons ââ¬â in other words, they have focus and, at least in theory, secrecy. Secondly, telecommunications allow for the sending of the message without the physical presence of a message. Because the technology relies on a form of encoding or compression, a translation from a set of words or ideas into a transmittable data stream ââ¬â such as light, waves or electricity ââ¬â they do not require the automatic transcription of the message itself. The early optical telegraph required direct line-of-sight to enable this transmission, and for an informed person to be present, in view, in order to decode and reassemble the message from its parts (flashes of light, mechanical patterns, etc). The printing press Thirdly, telecommunications are interactive in so far as they enable a reply to be sent along the same channel, directly from sender to receiver. In this sense, their emphasis is on passing information, but also on receiving a response to that transmission. Over time, however, the spatial notion behind telecommunications has shifted; whereas early forms ââ¬â such as optical telecommunications ââ¬â required line of sight over short distances, modern forms, from visible light, waves, and electricity, do not require line of sight, and do not require close spatial proximity. This is a function of the expansion in the infrastructure of telecommunications globally; a telephone call is transmitted and received to a number of mediating nodes ââ¬â and passed on ââ¬â before it reaches its target. As such, especially in the modern period, the point-to-point nature and process of telecommunications has become its most important definition. In its earliest ramifications, though, t his could also have a ââ¬Å"publicâ⬠dimension ; the fire flare chain used to signal the arrival of the Spanish Armada was both a point-to-point transmission (from the signaller to the navy headquarters), but also a public signal ââ¬â the meaning of the flares was well understood by those who saw it in 1588. Optical beacon; both ââ¬Å"point-to-pointâ⬠and ââ¬Å"publicâ⬠Mass media is broadly defined as ââ¬Å"one-to-manyâ⬠communication. Such a definition, while useful, has its drawbacks and limitations. Namely, that ââ¬Å"mediaâ⬠has different connotations and structures of transmission than the process of broadcasting itself (McQuail, 2010). Whereas a newspaper would be defined as ââ¬Å"mediaâ⬠, it is the process of distribution and receipt that constitute its ââ¬Å"massâ⬠or ââ¬Å"broadcastâ⬠element. Furthermore, in the modern sense there is an attachment to the idea of ââ¬Å"mass mediaâ⬠as ââ¬Å"effective, or even affective, mediaâ⬠as a transmission in which the ââ¬Å"manyâ⬠are actively engaged with and responsive to the ââ¬Å"oneâ⬠. Broadly speaking, however, mass media is defined by the transmission of information from one point to many potential points. Importantly, however, it does not have to be received; a television can be switched on or off, receiving only parts or elements of a message, without interrupting the primary transmission itself, which is continuous. The same applies for radio communication, which can be broadcast technically and successfully without any receivers picking the message up (such as a radio wave distress call, or the Morse code that was used to signal the sinking of the titanic in 1911). Secondly, point-to-mass communication is public; that is, its message is not intended for a specific individual or location, but for a potentially infinite number of individuals. While telecommunications are used to share private or even secret information (from a personal phone call to a national secret), mass media is characterised by its publicity. While it does not have to be ââ¬Å"receivedâ⬠however, in order to work technically, it still requires receipt and response in order to justify its initial broadcasting. If radio stations or Television Networks had no audience, the financial rationale for their existence would be lost. In this sense, it is much more fluid in terms of content than telecommunications. The third and final distinction of point-to-mass communication from telecommunications is the fact that it is one way. While the networks and nodes of telecommunications infrastructure are set up in such a way that direct interaction is possible, mediums such as TV or radio do not require interaction ââ¬â they are not targeted at a specific individual. However, mass media is different again from telecommunications in its social implications ; while the telegraph had the social and economic effect of enabling wider trading networks, of influencing diplomacy, and of ââ¬â at least partially ââ¬â connecting otherwise distant areas, mass media has an accumulative and far wider social impact. The printing press was linked with the protestant reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries, with the rise of universities, and with the spread of literacy. These had implications not only for culture, but for social relationships and interactions (Isaac and McKay, 2000, 10). Scholars, such as Joshua Meyrowitz, have suggested that such transformations in social life also have psychological implications, where television in the course of the 20th century had a role in enabling people to relate in new, ââ¬Å"placelessâ⬠ways. This is aligned with the argument of Benedict Arnold who, in his Imagined Communities, showed how mass media is implicated in the ââ¬Å"imaginationsâ⬠of national and other identities, where ââ¬Å"it [the nation] is imagined as a community, because, regardless of the actual inequality and exploitation that may prevail in each, the nation is always conceived as a deep, horizontal comradeshipâ⬠an ââ¬Å"imagined communityâ⬠that is interlinked through shared, mass media experiences and identities (2006, 7). However, because of this one-way or unidirectional technique, mass communication is open to greater fluctuations in responses. As blah argues in a cultural history of radio, there have been times when it was both the primary device for popular entertainment in the home, but also a time when it was not responded to at all (2002, 2-3). Such transformations have a greater effect on the kinds of information transmitted on these media; while it was once characterised by popular, talk entertainment, radio is increasingly a site for music, with talk entertainment having been taken over by audio-visual broadcasts on digital TV, and through audio-visual mass communication on the internet. At the same time, this technology, because of its fluctuations and its impacts, has been a site for greater anxiety than telecommunications; numerous theories of ââ¬Å"media injectionâ⬠have linked mass media with violent behaviour (such as shootings and ââ¬Å"copycatâ⬠killings, such as the rece nt Batman cinema shootings in America). This anxiety stems from the concern over who controls and therefore authorises mass communication, and thus of how it implies a less visible ââ¬Å"systems of oppressionâ⬠than telecommunications (where personal, emotional lenses are used to internet messages and information received) (Peterson, 2005, 105). It is interesting than that, with the recent Snowden/NSA/GCHQ revelations, that telecommunications has been implicated in the same anxieties that used to structure television and mass media (Gauntlett and Hill, 1999, 72). The internet, however, offers a technology where the main distinctions between telecommunications and mass communication break down and interact. Media such as Twitter, a social networking and interactive tool, are both mass media and telecommunications in their infrastructure and technique ; a ââ¬Å"tweetâ⬠, or message, can be broadcast to a posters followers (from 0 to millions), while there is also a channel for responding directly ââ¬â the reply. Similarly, channels such as YouTube allow for individuals to post video content to a mass audience, but also have the feature that enable the viewer to comment and respond. Importantly, however, these responses are not private, but also public; they therefore become part of the public sphere while also being, in a sense, ââ¬Å"point-to-pointâ⬠. This essay has defined telecommunications (point-to-point) and mass media (point-to-many), and has also described their primary differences. Furthermore, it has outlined, however briefly, the kinds of implications these differences have. In the final section of the essay, it was argued that new and emergent forms of mass communication are unique in so far as they combine aspects of both techniques of communication. Bibliography Anderson, B (2006) Imagined Communities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. Verso Gauntlett, D and Hill, A (1999) TV Living: television, culture and everyday life. London: Routledge Hilmes, M and Loviglio, J (2002) Radio Reader: essays in the cultural history of radio. Psychology Press Isaac, P and McKay, B (2000) The Mighty Engine: the printing press and its impact. Oak Knoll Press McQuail, D (2010) McQuails Mass Communication Theory (Sixth Edition). SAGE Peterson, M (2005) Anthropology Mass Communication: media and myth in the new millennium. Berghahn Books 1
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Choice and Free Will Essay -- Psychology
ââ¬Å"Free willâ⬠is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate. Free will has long been debated by scholars, philosophers, and psychologists. It is a subject that has been argued, theorized, and predicted to the extent of human ability, but recent data has been brought up by two psychologists named Shirley Matile Ogletree and Crystal D. Oberle. These two psychologists assess surveys given to college level students to evaluate the ââ¬Å"commonâ⬠or ââ¬Å"plainâ⬠perspective of free will. They also bring up the questions like ââ¬Å"Is free will compatible with determinism?,â⬠ââ¬Å"What is meant by free will and determinism by the average person?,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Does it make a difference what attitudes people have regarding free will and determinism?â⬠Free will and deterministic perspectives are exceedingly argumentative points of view with hard deterministic views describing free will as non existent, and libertarian views d escribing free will as freely chosen actions being done by an autonomic organism, which led me to believe that both agents are apart of everyday choices with the free will perspective being a more logical and acceptable way of assessing human behavior. Ogletree and Oberle describe hard determinism ââ¬Å"as completely caused by a combination of genetics, past experiences, and current circumstance, also clearly supports the incompatibility of determinism and free willââ¬âfree will simply doesnââ¬â¢t exist.â⬠This perspective is the most extreme of all deterministic views. It is a view that the authors of my source perceive as the explanation of human behavior. Although, there are other deterministic views held by others that do not take this extreme position. Soft determinism can be explained as humans being exhibited to both det... ...etic base pair of the possible three billion differences, the one different nucleic acid, the one different protein, and all the way down to the non living particles of which we were created from. It is this difference in each one of us that stems choice. The presence of choice is considered, to me, as free will. When fate lends its hand out to us with another option, fate, itself, is offering us choice, but is the choice we make already chosen for us? Works Cited Oberle, Crystal and Ogletree, Shirley . ââ¬Å"The Nature, Common Usage, And Implications Of Free Will And Determinism.â⬠Behavior and Philosophy. 1 December 2008. 1 December 2010. Coon, Dennis and Mitterer, John. ââ¬Å"Psychology: A Journey.â⬠Printed in the United States. 2010
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